The attachment bond is not only founded on the quality of care or parental love, but also on the nonverbal emotional communication that you develop with your child through dance movement psychotherapy in Hauz Khas. While attachment occurs naturally as you, the parent or caregiver, care for your baby’s needs, the quality of the attachment bond varies.
From the moment psychotherapy in South Delhi the child is conceived, the connection between the mom and the child is felt. The baby rolls, turns, develops and flourishes within the mother’s womb, hears the mother’s voice and feels her sensations. The mother too starts to feel the baby. When the baby is born, it is extremely important to hold, touch and respond to the cries and needs of the child, in a prompt manner. Research has shown that children form secure attachments with their caregivers when they are quick to respond to their needs.
Dance Movement Psychotherapy in South Delhi helps them build trust in their caregivers and use them as a secure base as they grow older. Trust is our fundamental capacity to be curious to reflect on the world through our curiosity. Without trust, we cannot tolerate uncertainty; we prefer black and white and without building a trusting relationship with oneself and our caregiver we cannot form a secure attachment bond. When we create secure experiences for our children, they are able to understand experiences in different shades and not just black and white. A healthy attachment bond between the caregiver and the child leads to countless positive outcomes such as better academic achievements, good mental health, high self esteem and positive outlook towards life as an adult.
Thus, the most important thing to attuned parenting is to let your child know that you are there beside them and that you are responsive, consistent and predictable. Once the children develop secure attachment bond, they learn how to manage their thinking, emotions and behavior. When children are younger it is easier for them to learn these skills and gain confidence in forming close relationships
At the Dance Movement Psychotherapy in Hauz Khas, we believe that movement is a natural skill that we all are born with. Movement is a language, our first language, that is present everywhere. Movement Psychotherapy in South Delhi facilitates the brain’s development which results in enhancing communication skills and building secure attachment bonds. We use movement psychotherapy in South Delhi to help the babies form emotional and physical attachments with their parents/caregivers. The creative expression in our dance movement psychotherapy in Hauz Khas helps improve communication skills for better relationships with the caregivers. Children respond to the movements, non-verbal behaviours and emotional expressions of their caregivers with the help of our movement psychotherapy in South Delhi. The Dance Movement Psychotherapy in Hauz Khas focuses on enhancing the parent-child relationship through music, movement, stories and play, with the essence of dance movement psychotherapy in South Delhi and attachment theories.
Sometimes parenting seems overwhelming and the end goals seem very far. We, at the Dance Movement Psychotherapy in South Delhi, help parents relax, breathe and enjoy the moment through our movement psychotherapy in South Delhi. We empower parents and caregivers, with various strategies used in our dance movement psychotherapy in Hauz Khas to boost their children’s psychological development towards a more solid sense of agency, resilience and most importantly a sense of togetherness, which is what family is all about through our movement psychotherapy in South Delhi.