At Asha Hai which is an inclusive school in Delhi we conduct psychometric assessments for child in South Delhi by psychologist using standardized procedures for measuring intelligence, neurodevelopmental difficulties, behavioral difficulties or emotional issues. On the basis of these psychometric assessments in Hauz Khas and personality assessment in South Delhi done by psychologist the goals are formulated along with home based training programs and psychoeducation sessions with the parents. The conduction and interpretation of these psychometric assessments in Hauz Khas are done by psychologists in an inclusive school and the results are confidential. These psychometric assessment in Hauz Khas are helpful in measuring the developmental milestones of the children, which helps us to set an objective for their holistic development and also understand which early intervention for children with special needs is required.

Psychometric Assessment in Hauz Khas, personality assessment


  • Case History: This section will involve collection and collation of data to identify and study the child’s family background, medical history, interaction patterns at home. The process would involve interaction with parents, immediate caregivers.
  • Interview and Questionnaire: This would involve asking the caregiver or the parent, questions regarding the child’s developmental milestones, his personality assessment in South Delhi, how does he respond to adults in his environment, his/her play skills, their academic skills in an inclusive school in Delhi.
  • Clinical Observation: Here the psychologist in an inclusive school in Delhi interacts with the child, observes their behaviors. Try to understand their play skills, their developmental levels, social skills, the milestones they have achieved and the difficulties they are facing.
  • Report: The report is given to the parent after 1 week or 14 days of the psychometric assessment in Hauz Khas depending on which tools have been used to conduct the psychometric assessment for child in South Delhi. The report contains the formal diagnosis of the difficulty that the child is facing.
  • Intervention Plan: A plan is formulated keeping in mind the child’s developmental, social level. The plan also focuses on the learning style of the child so that lessons can be planned accordingly. Based on the plan the required early intervention for children with special needs like Special Education, Language & Communication, Occupational Therapy etc. are suggested to the child.